
Workshops & Registration
SUU SheTech – May 8th

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Explorer Day Schedule

Get Registered!!

Register now to get the classes you want. Registration is free, but limited to the first 120 girls. To register select 2 workshops, TechZone, complete the info section, tell us if you want to complete a certification, submit your registration and you are finished.

We’ll do our best to get you into the workshops you select. Just remember workshop placement in a class is not guaranteed, but no matter which workshop you attend – you will love it. Your workshop schedule will be provided to you at Explorer Day. And remember grab your friends and get them to come with you.

Our cool workshops are listed below – take a look and choose a few favorites.  All workshops are offered during all three session times, if they are grayed out on the registration form they are already filled. So register now to get your top picks.

Complete Registration

Workshop Descriptions


Solar Power 101

How does solar power work? What are the benefits? What does the future hold for solar power? You will learn all you want to know about solar power and this rapidly growing industry.


Join the Dell EMC team to learn about how HTML and CSS program the web and bring your art to life!

Flight Crew to Ground Control

Help SkyWest Airlines maintenance team get their flights out on time and talk to crewmembers during a real flight!

Pick your place in Technology

Did you know that working in technology is not just coding? You don’t have to be a scientist or mathematician, you just have to be creative with the drive to get things done. Let us show you all the different roles you can play in the tech industry that help bring technology to the masses. From DNA research to predictive forecasting to owning the executive track, you’ll see why we love the tech industry and why we know there is a place for you! This is a fun, interactive session to prepare you for the diversity of roles available to you in technology.

Adobe Dreamweaver

Learn how to use the responsive web design capabilities to build websites — from starter Bootstrap templates — that adapt to various screen sizes so your content renders gracefully.



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