
SheTech the largest industry-led STEM activation and engagement platform for high school girls

Women Tech Council’s SheTech program is the largest industry-led STEM program to activate, engage and inspire high school girls into STEM degrees and successful careers with over 12,000 participants.

Today every company is a technology company and SheTech demonstrates to girls that no matter what they are passionate about, technology is part of it. #YourDreamsInTech

Did you know that 95% of high school girls tell us that they don’t know a woman in tech and have never met a female role model? SheTech changes that with thousands of role models, tech companies and mentors that help girls see who they can become.


SheTech operates with the school year, starting in September and includes:

  • SheTech Explorer Day (annual day with all of the girls)
  • SheTech Clubs in the high schools
  • SheTech Internship Program
  • SheTech Student Board (at every high school)
  • SheTech Educator Board
  • Monthly tech events with tech companies and role models
  • Information about jobs, scholarships and opportunities

SheTech is impacting the talent pipeline and increasing the number of girls pursuing STEM degrees as they graduate from high school. Girls tell us that they are 95% more likely to pursue STEM after participating, and each time they engage in a SheTech activity the likelihood of helping them see opportunities increases.

Women Tech Council

The Women Tech Council (WTC) is a national organization focused on the economic impact of women in driving high growth for the technology sector through developing programs that propel the economic pipeline from high school to the board room. WTC offers mentoring, visibility, opportunities and networking to more than 10,000 women and men working in technology to create business environments focused on high performance, where men and women can succeed. This propels individual careers and the talent pipeline by ensuring a strong, diverse, and entrepreneurial technology workforce

The WTC SheTech program operates in Utah, Idaho and Colorado, if you are interested in partnering with WTC on SheTech in your region please contact us at kristin@womentechcouncil.com.

SheTech helps girls recognize the opportunities they can pursue in STEM and inspires them to pursue their dreams in tech.

SheTech helps girls find pathways to careers in STEM through classes, events, role models, mentors and internships in STEM.

Explore The Possibilities